northern women in Chanel

Tonight I'm going to the opening of Peter Farago's and Ingela Klemetz-Farago's exhibition on Fotografiska here in Stockholm. Afterwards I'm going to Spy Bar since my dj-friends in MILK Collective arrange club REVERSE there tonight. But, during the day I have to do the necessary but not so fun parts of life - cleaning, doing laundry and returning a book. I have to fetch some clothes at the dry-clean as well and practice some yoga, my stiff body needs to losen up a bit before my two intensive dance weeks begins.
However, I look forward to tonight and since the weather's beautiful I guess the day will turn out pretty good anyway.
let's go natural

This extraordinary house is created by samyn and partners and built for a cinematographer and his family. The house has a two-fold structure and the plant-clothed facade with its long narrow windows gives a mysterious expression that I'm really fond of. Although the big glass facade on the other side of the house makes a great contrast to the vegetation. I like how the windows extends over two floors too. It's certainly a house I would like to live in if, and notice the if, I had a gardener. Cutting all those plants by myself is nothing I can picture myself doing. I don't have green hands.
kiss me kiss me hard
I'm sick with Johnny Depp fever right now. Spent the night watching Cry Baby, and god he's beautiful! If you haven't seen Cry baby you certainly should, not just because of Johnny, the movie itself is great as well - the plot is similar to Grease but it's crazier, rawer and funnier. It's one of the must-see-movies of all time!

easy A

I just finished watching this movie and it was surprisingly good! Actually very up-lifting to be honest. It's not like the miljons and again miljons of idiotic, stupid teenage movies where everything, and I do mean everything constantly circuits around sex and "cat fights". So what's the topic of this movie then? Sex, of course, losing ones virginity is a forever-existing topic in high school movies. But this movie is different. First of all, the maincharacter is clever and humoristic, the manuscript is sharp and fun in an intelligent way and the relationships are modern and not similar to what I've seen in other movies of this genre before. If you like "Juno" I bet there's a good chance you'll enjoy this movie as well. Watching this movie was the perfect way to spend my Wednesday afternoon.
isaac and jane birkin
This is what my tattoo looks like up close. It's the best accessory I've ever purchased in my life. Today I'm wearing denim shorts and a jane birkin t-shirt that I cut waist-short this morning. I have white converse on my feet and a long sleeveless black shirt-dress to go with. Outfit pics will come later.

my boys
I love this band from Seattle. They are my music gods. For real. You should visit their website! It's awesome.
They came out with a new album recently, or more excactly the 3rd of May. You can listen to it here, "Helplessness blues".
oh johnny I love you
He is my only celebraty-crush that will last forever.

honey, i prefer ginger
I absolutely adore my new red hair color. It's p e r f e c t.

Tomorrow I'm busy as hell but some stuff are a lot fun to do, like going to Skansen which is kind of a zoo here in Stockholm. Hopefully I can take some nice pics! Now, it's bedtime though, sleep tight all you weirdos out there!
soft curls

a single hat

rome as if being color blind

I came home from Italy the day before yesterday. The trip was wonderful and Italy is just as lovely as it reputation claims. Me and my family travelled from Rome along the west coast down to the Amalfi coast by car. It was breathtakingly beautiful.