Since the weather turned out to be everything else that I wished today I figured I just might to the best of the situation and took a long relaxing morning. I took a shower, left the conditioner in the hair for an hour and decided to make a mosturizing and energizing facial scrub since I have a photoshoot monday morning. While letting the conditioner and the scrub do its work I had a nice cup of tea and broswed through my Vogue's collected pictures from all the autumn/winter fashion shows. As usual Celiné captured my interest a bit more than most of the others. Minimalistic, colorful, elegant and beautiful in its best.
Also wanted to show you my new Filippa K cups that mom gave me for two weeks ago. I love them.
Now I have to get ready to head out in the rain to meet Ariana. Haven't seen her for such a long time so I really look forward to it!
Also wanted to show you my new Filippa K cups that mom gave me for two weeks ago. I love them.
Now I have to get ready to head out in the rain to meet Ariana. Haven't seen her for such a long time so I really look forward to it!

These pictures that Anna snapped while trying to set us up to a normal group photo make me feel so ridiculously happy. I am so grateful for the people that I have in my life right now. Not that I just have the best friends ever to be found, I am also lucky enough to have met the greatest guy, the kindest, the funniest, smartest, most beautiful of them all that loves me and I love him back, so terribly deeply. Even though our relationship just is about to turn five months old I already have a hard time imagine my life without Patric.
He is my everything. It is actually that simple. No other words are capable of describing how much I adore him, carresses him and love him. He is my everything, and that is it.
He is my everything. It is actually that simple. No other words are capable of describing how much I adore him, carresses him and love him. He is my everything, and that is it.
There have been times, many times, this year that I have been questioning myself, my life´s direction or non excisting direction. I have been ashamed, scared, lonely and stressed out but for once I feel calm. I am not satisfied, I believe the world is too big to ever reach complete satisfaction, but I am calm, relaxed and happy for now. My life's never ending marathon has finally taken a break and I can once breath again. Breath in the air and just be.
This has lots to do with my people. My closest people (you know who you are). I love you with every fiber in my body. Thank you for being here, for being a part of my life. I hope you will continue staying and being a part of my future.
This has lots to do with my people. My closest people (you know who you are). I love you with every fiber in my body. Thank you for being here, for being a part of my life. I hope you will continue staying and being a part of my future.

Today I wore my new blouse called Judy Pop from Acne's summer/spring collection this year that I bought last night. I really like the rounded collar, the crinkled fabric and the open back. Will show you a better picture later on this week.

This is sort of how I look today. Will post better pictures later. Now I'm heading off for birthday gift shopping together with Dario and Ida Sjöstedt and Carin Wester fashion show.
Have a nice day!
Have a nice day!

Here is a better picture of my hair and make up friday night when I went to Saga and Stina's go away-party. My hair is very curly naturally which is not always in my favour except for when I'm wearing this hairstyle. I'll try to give myself time to create a hair video for you this week so you can see how to style your hair this way.
Yesterday Patric and I took our things from our big apartment at St Eriksplan and moved more south to my friend's apartment in Högdalen where we're now staying a month before we can move into the Hornstull-apartment. Thought I would show you guys some pictures of our present place.

This is the kitchen where I'll probably hang out the most. Not that I cook a lot of food or anything like that. I just enjoy the atmosphere.

In the living room Nadja and Saga, who used to live here before she went to Asia, have decorated one of the walls with theatre posters from Stadsteatern in Stockholm and Patric and I get to sleep right next to it.

This is the view from the balcony.

Fabian is not included in the furniture arrangements as you can believe due to the picture but I just wanted to show you the kitchen lamp that I like so much. And Fabian certainly helps to highlight the lamp's good qualitites, or don't you think? Hehe.
I borrowed the pictures from wonderful Stina who is going away to Asia today together with our present apartments former resident, Saga. I'm going to miss them so much. On the other hand I now have a very good reason to finally get my ass on a plane and fly to Asia. Maybe I can persuade Patric to go with me to India while they are there. You can actually read about their trip on their travel blog if you'd like to hear some more.
Find it here.
Anyway, now I'm going to take one hour to unpack our things and then go to the city to buy Anna's birthday gift. She's turning 21 tomorrow and worthy the best birthday celebration!
I borrowed the pictures from wonderful Stina who is going away to Asia today together with our present apartments former resident, Saga. I'm going to miss them so much. On the other hand I now have a very good reason to finally get my ass on a plane and fly to Asia. Maybe I can persuade Patric to go with me to India while they are there. You can actually read about their trip on their travel blog if you'd like to hear some more.
Find it here.
Anyway, now I'm going to take one hour to unpack our things and then go to the city to buy Anna's birthday gift. She's turning 21 tomorrow and worthy the best birthday celebration!

Good morning!
Just finished my breakfast and am now ready to start packing again (we're moving this weekend) but first I just wanted to show you my new haircolor. Since quite a long time ago I've been dying my hair at the hairdresser to my fragile scandinavian hair's distress. Not that my hairdresser's not good - she is amazing - it is just the color itself that damages my hair. Therefore I've decided to go completely natural with everything I use for my body. So, yesterday I gave Henna a chance and the result was great! Looks almost exactly the same as the color I get at the hairdresser, just a bit more intense. I also took the risk of coloring my eyebrows lightly and it turned out nice as well.
The quality of my hair already feels much better so I believe this is going to do wonders for my hair in the long run. I can give you some tips about Henna some day if that would be of your interest.
The quality of my hair already feels much better so I believe this is going to do wonders for my hair in the long run. I can give you some tips about Henna some day if that would be of your interest.
Have a nice saturday!

Now I'm heading off to a very important meeting. Will tell you all about it afterwards!
Wish me good luck!

Good morning,
hope you all slept well! Today I have a pretty busy agenda and in order to be so efficient as possible I decided to treat myself with a power-breakfast in the shape of herbal tea and a very tasting and healthy smoothie.
Today's smoothie contains:
Frozen blueberries
Yoghurt made of soy
Coconut butter
And topped with fresh raspberries, pumpkin seeds and nectarine. Now I feel all powered up and ready for today's missions.
Are you guys doing something fun this beautiful friday?
Are you guys doing something fun this beautiful friday?
Due to the fact that I never seem to wear these shoes again I figured they should move on to someone who can appreciate them as they should be appreciated. Therefore I have now put them out for sale. I bought both pair two years ago but have only worn them 3-4 times during that time.

Jeffrey Campbell shoes.
Size: 37
Material: Wood and leather
Original price: 1495 kr
Original price: 1495 kr
New price: 800 kr
Buy this pair here.

Swedish Hasbeens shoes.
Model: T-Strap Sky High
Model: T-Strap Sky High
Size: 37
Material: Wood and grain leather
Original price: 1395 kr
Material: Wood and grain leather
Original price: 1395 kr

Me and my new shoe favourites are now heading out to meet my deeply missed Dario that have been away traveling in Europe for a couple of weeks. Except for the shoes I'm wearing an oversized white shirt that I stole (borrowed) from Patric's shirt collection (hopefully he'll be alright with that...hehe) and my black Pop-pants. I will show you better outfit pictures when I get back home.
Have a nice day! And don't forget to follow me on Instagram as well! You find me on neasennerholt.

pictures taken by me in Masai Mara, Kenya.

Today I'm off work and right now I'm sketching on my illustrations while drinking tea. It's such a nice feeling to once again sense all the possibilites that the meeting between pen and paper brings. I will show you my drawings when I'm finished. Til then I'll show you the necklace bought in Kenya during our visit. It is crazy beautiful and I'm in love with the massiveness such as the combination of wood and gold.
By the way, Jessie Wares album is now available on spotify. Check it out!
By the way, Jessie Wares album is now available on spotify. Check it out!

Yesterday my dad had his big birthday party on a boat by Strandvägen here in Stockholm. Friends and family from all over the world showed up and It was so much fun to see everybody again. I wore the desert colored dress on the pictures that I bought the same day. Felt like a greek goddess wearing it, but in a good way of course. Afterwards we spent the night at Nobis Hotel and the bed was so amazingly comfortable that I never wanted to leave it this morning. Too bad I had too.

Now, I'm heading off for work. Feeling a bit tired but happy.
Have a nice day!

I'm crazy in love with my Brit pants that I decided to get just before I went to Kenya and the petrol blue color goes great with my jade green blouse. I only lack a wide, chunky belt to go with before completing the pants purpose. Do you now where I could get one?

My younger brother have been staying with me and Patric for a few days so this Saturday we went to see the new Batman movie (and yes, liked it a lot!) but we couldn't just settle with that. Therefore we headed out to a club called "Sommar" (Summer) to hand out with these two below - Minda and Viktor. Minda is a member and founder of the swedish Dj collective called MILK COLLECTIVE and you can read her blog here.

Me, Patric and an unknown couple making out.

Viktor and Minda.

After being photographed right behind a kissing couple we felt that we also had to give our share to the sucking-lip-picture-collection.
Even though the evening ended up with me having some serious back pain issues we had a really fun night! Especially Patric who, to his big joy, could handle the lights during the last hour while Viktor played records.
Even though the evening ended up with me having some serious back pain issues we had a really fun night! Especially Patric who, to his big joy, could handle the lights during the last hour while Viktor played records.
Today I'm working from twelve to seven and afterwards I'm heading to the gym. Although, during the day it will pop up some pictures from Africa. So keep your eyes open.
The lonely elephant

After more than 13 hours of travelling I finally arrived at Arlanda Airport friday night. Even though the 10 days I'd been away was absolutely amazing the feeling of being home was just as satisfying and for once I also got to sleep a whole night through without waking up consistently. Obviuosly I have a hard time sleeping by my own nowadays...
Anyway, during our vacation I have taken LOTS of pictures and it's a major work to pick out and edit the good ones. I also just found out that some of the files just seem unable to be posted here on my blog. I believe it got something to do with the size but on the other hand I have already converted them so it shouldn't be a problem. I do have to solve that issue before in order to share some of my best animal pictures.
Well, now it's time to continue editing the rest of the pictures. Talk to you later.