blue jeans

Hey guys!
I'm still alive, although I've been crazy busy with trying to find an apartment for me and Patric this fall and completely stressed out for not receiving any answers on my thousand, and again, thousand e-mails. My energy has been canalized to that single mission and I haven't had any time left for the blog. So sorry for that.
But good news nevertheless! We've finally booked two apartment viewings and I can breathe out, well, sort of anyway. It's also just 1,5 week left before I leave for Africa so it would be great to have the living arrangements settled before my department. So, keep your fingers crossed for me, will you?
Meeting mom and Isaac very soon to find some good clothes for the Africa trip. I'm thinking oversized white white cotton shirts, wide white pants in linnen or silk and closed shoes with a pretty high sole (for safety issues).
Have a nice day!
Meeting mom and Isaac very soon to find some good clothes for the Africa trip. I'm thinking oversized white white cotton shirts, wide white pants in linnen or silk and closed shoes with a pretty high sole (for safety issues).
Have a nice day!